The Uncommonwealth of Kentucky: Growing A Business in the Bluegrass
Growing a business in Kentucky has its share of challenges. At CrowdSouth, we assist businesses with their marketing efforts every day. The Uncommonwealth of Kentucky is a podcast where we speak to our clients, associates, and friends who have their own unique take on their path to business success in this great state we live in and beyond.
The Uncommonwealth of Kentucky: Growing A Business in the Bluegrass
Jason Loehr - Tracer, SVP of Strategy
Episode 12
Today Jason, Chuck, and Chad speak with Jason Loehr. Jason has been a long time friend of those guys and has done a TON of different jobs at lots of level. He has lots of good insights and we cover many topics over his career.
- How he started in catalogs and moved to web site design
- Gathering data and how that is used for marketing
- How the view of leadership changes through life
- He knows lots of famous people
We would love your feedback on this episode or any of them. Feel free to reach out to us at CrowdSouth and let us know what you think!